
Showing posts from April, 2024

Text Visualization

  T ext   is an essential aspect of any dataset, whether it be   business   data,   social media   data,   log data , etc., and it’s essential to analyze as it makes up a considerable chunk of   unstructured   data generated. Image Credit  Unsplash Its mainly used to understand and gather  interesting insights  which can be used for  business  or  research . Day-to-day text data quantity is increasing, with data collection being feedback like emails, social media, and survey responses. This data doesn’t have any  context  (like most people’s life) and meaning without proper  software  and  formatting , as the volume is overwhelming, making text analysis an absolute necessity. And necessities need to be fulfilled (necessity of drinking water take this as a reminder to drink water) that is when  Power BI  comes into the picture ( they have rewrapped it .. great btw), it is a  data visualization  tool provided by Microsoft. It has various data manipulation tools such as  Power Query ,  DA

Create Time Series analysis Stock Market

  Power BI Time Series Analysis: How to create a Moving Average on time series data and enhance the Decision-Making process POSTED ON  11TH SEPTEMBER 2023   BY  NAIDEN BORIMECHKOV 11 Sep Power BI is one of the leading platforms for incorporating Artificial Intelligence and advanced analytics into applications. With regular updates, it’s easy to miss out on features that can enhance data analysis and insight generation. Our goal here is to explore these advanced features, focusing on time series analysis and how a moving average can be your secret weapon for more insightful decision-making. 1. First, we start with establishing the Foundation We begin by populating a custom dataset containing real historical time series data for the top 1000 stocks in the US stock market for the last 2 years. We need the closing prices as well as the percentage changes for each of the stocks. 2. The next step is linking Time with Data Think of data as a puzzle. We need a piece that connects time to our s