
Showing posts from August, 2020

Power BI includes the following components

                                       Power BI includes the following components − Power BI Desktop − This is utilized to make reports and information perceptions on the dataset.  Power BI Gateway − You can utilize Power BI on-premises entryway to keep your information new by interfacing with your on-premises information sources without the need to move the information. It permits you to question huge datasets and advantage from the current speculations.  Power BI Mobile Apps − Using Power BI portable applications, you can remain associated with their information from anyplace. Force BI applications are accessible for Windows, iOS, and Android stage.  Power BI Service − This is a cloud administration and is utilized to distribute Power BI reports and information representations.

How To Install Microsoft Power BI Steps

How To Install Microsoft Power BI Steps  To check the system requirements, installation files detail, users have to navigate to “Advanced download options”. Following are the system requirements to download Power BI tool − Supported Operating Systems Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Power BI Desktop requires Internet Explorer 9 or higher Microsoft Power BI Desktop is available for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) platforms Users can select a language in which they want to install Power BI and following files are available for download. This is the link to directly download Power BI files − PBIDesktop_x64.msi shows a 64-bit OS file. Select the file you want to install as per OS type and click Next. Save the installation file on the local drive. When you run the installation file, following screen is displayed. Accept the license agreement and follow the instructions

Microsoft Power BI

                                                        What is Power BI   1.  Power BI is a Data Visualization and Business Intelligence apparatus that changes over information from various information sources to intuitive dashboards and BI reports.    2.  Power BI suite gives various programming, connector, and administrations - Power BI work area, Power BI administration dependent on Saas, and portable Power BI applications accessible for various stages.  3. These arrangement of administrations are utilized by business clients to expend information and assemble BI reports.  4.Power BI work area application is utilized to make reports, while Power BI Services (Software as a Service - SaaS) is utilized to distribute the reports, and Power BI versatile application is utilized to see the reports and dashbo ards.  Who should use Power BI? Consumers are people who read / view things built in Power BI. Power BI Creators are typically: Reporting professionals Analysts BI Developers Visualiz